Gunakan Blue Stack sebagai Emulator di Android Studio

Langkah langkah mengkoneksi Blue Stack dengan Android Studio
  1. tutup Android Studio.
  2. cari  adb.exe location.(biasanya ada di C:\Users\Tarun\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools)
  3. Jalankan (Run adb connect localhost:5555dari lokasi ini
  4. Start Android Studio dan anda akan menjalankan  Blue Stack as emulator ketika kamu menjalankan applikasi kamu
Life’s to too short to be wasted using Eclipse Android emulator :D so I found it’s more efficient to use BlueStacks as an alternative (which is very fast)
First you will have to install BlueStacks ( Link : BlueStacks )
To use Bluestacks as an emulator you’ll have to do the following steps:
1- you’ll have to open BlueStacks (NOTE : Open BlueStacks “before” Eclipse)
2- open Eclipse
3- open device manger : Window -> show view -> android -> device
4- if everything works fine, you will find BlueStacks as localhost
When you run your application, Eclipse will run it on BlueStacks

Connect your bluestack as below :
  1. Open cmd
  2. go to android sdk path
  3. Example : E:/Android/Android/sdk/
  4. open platform-tools folder as : E:/Android/Android/sdk/platform-tools
  5. connect your blustack with command as:
    adb connect localhost OR adb connect localhost:5555

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